"Steve Martin's comic wit has never been sharper!"
Ever wonder what it would have been like if the wild and crazy Steve Martin had written a comedic episode of "The Twilight Zone"?
Well, wonder no more. The zany actor/comedian took Off-Broadway by storm with his first comedy, set in the Lapin Agile bar in 1904 Paris. Two of the regulars, twentysomethings Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein, both on the verge of breakthroughs that would stamp their names indelibly on the century, argue about the art of physics and the physics of art.
Meanwhile the space/time/culture continuum ruptures, and they're joined by a figure from the future who seems to be…well you’ll just have to see the show to find out!
Directed by Kelly Clifford. Woodbin Theatre, November 29 - December 14, 2002
© 2013-2014 Comic Genius Productions